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Top Dallas-area employers seek SMU students for internships and jobs. And our alumni love connecting our students to their industry networks to make career moves.


达拉斯是他们的教室, students have the flexibility to pursue multiple areas of study and get ready for the jobs of the future.


Guidance from SMU mentors and startup funding from SMU programs – such as Engaged Learning, Big iDeas and the Meadows Exploration Award – helped me achieve my dream of opening my own business. I can support myself while pursuing professional work as an actor.

Alysia Giakoumas ’21, Founder/CEO, The Playground Acting Program LLC



在申请工作之前积累经验. SMU integrates internships and experiential/applied learning opportunities outside of the classroom. Connect with leaders and employers in fields that interest you.


在早晨的足球训练之后, 威尔·戈德堡23岁, 谁是新大野马队的安全后卫, 穿上他的钢头靴子 步行到他位于新大校园内的实习地点, where he is an assistant project manager for the 考克斯商学院 building renovations. 他得到了有意义的分数 position after attending an SMU 莱尔工程学院 career fair, where he met Harold MacDowell ’84, CEO of Dallas-based construction firm TDIndustries, Inc.她也是新大校友. After one more interview, the mechanical engineering major and math minor was all in. “The three buildings are at different stages, so I’m seeing the whole process,” Goldberg says.

这是 special to work on your own campus and be a part of something that’s going to be there for a very long time.威尔·戈德堡,23岁

Swarangi Potdar


Swarangi Potdar ' 25 获得了一个新创建的实习机会 与达拉斯艺术博物馆合作, doing curatorial research for the museum’s permanent collection of American art. “这是 重要的职业建设者 为从事博物馆工作的学生准备的,Stephanie Langin-Hooper说, 新大梅多斯艺术学院副教授, who worked with the DMA and SMU的 Hegi Family Career Development Center to create the new position. Potdar, who double majors in finance at SMU Cox School and visual arts at the Meadows School, volunteered with the DMA as a teen ambassador while in high school. After graduation, she plans to pursue a career in art auctions.

置身于历史艺术品之中令人兴奋不已. I look forward to expanding my visual and quantitative skills at analyzing artwork.《威尼斯人博彩》,25年



奥利维亚圆形石堡 ’21 got to detect a fetal heartbeat on her very first day of an internship at White Rock Obstetrics and Gynecology, 在达拉斯, 一个充实的 position she landed thanks to a referral from a classmate and sorority sister at SMU. Martello graduated from SMU的 西蒙斯教育学院 and 人类发展 with a Bachelor of Science degree in applied physiology and health management, 辅修生物科学. She continues to prepare for a healthcare career as she finishes up emergency medical technician school and applies to physician assistant programs.

I gained medical knowledge and experienced incredible patient-care interactions.奥利维亚·马特罗,21岁



Jasmine Smith, 22岁, ’23 worked on a master’s degree in management and an MBA at SMU Cox School while 玩ing on the women’s basketball team. 多亏了 SMU的 舞会后的生活计划 helps student-athletes build connections and develop career preparation skills, Smith landed an internship with Dallas-based Hunt Realty Investments, a Life After Ball corporate participant run by SMU alumni Chris Kleinert ’88. Smith recently completed a commercial real estate training program with CRE Analyst.

I appreciated the willingness of SMU alumni to reach out and stay connected with current students.“贾斯敏·史密斯,22岁,23岁


大D还没变酷就开始创新了. 60多年前, 达拉斯成为集成电路的发源地, 哪个会成为微芯片. 今天, 我们是创业勇士的家园, 网络拥护者, biotech wizards and other innovators who think big and do good.


Incubator@SMU -新大学生, faculty and staff who want to launch companies use this business-focused workspace to 与客户、导师和其他企业家合作 从达拉斯地区和其他地区.

孵化器创业公司横跨各行各业, 包括艺术, 消费产品, 咨询, 教育, 技术和更多.

Seun Suberu


Seun Suberu ’23 co-founded the CollegePlus app to help high school students take control of their future. 在他的SMU学生生涯中, 斯贝鲁磨练了新的商业技能,赚了85多美元,000 in funding through multiple SMU competitions designed to jump-start student-led innovation.


从医疗保健和能源到金融和技术, the nation’s fourth largest metropolitan area is home to a diverse mix of industries, 推动经济增长和就业机会.

As one of America’s most connected cities, Dallas makes it easy to do business. 约有23家财富500强企业也这么认为. Our diverse economy is an engine of talent and opportunities, propelling many of our graduates into prominent leadership positions in the area and beyond. Our industry connections include a variety of notable alumni:  

  • 马特·亚历山大 ’10, co-founder and CEO, Neighborhood Goods (如图)
  • David Cush ’82, ’83, former president and CEO, Virgin America
  • 大卫·亨特利,80岁,老. 执行副总裁 & 到岸价&T
  • 乔·劳伦斯,保时捷执行副总裁兼首席运营官
  • 希尔·赛·铃木96届,Ernst美国咨询人才主管 & 年轻的
  • Amber Venz Box ’08 and Baxter Box ’11, founders, rewardStyle and LTK


达拉斯的进取精神是新大DNA的一部分. Here, bold, curious and creative SMU alumni are driven to think big and do good.

Bold, curious and creative SMU alumni are driven to think big:

  • Courtney Caldwell, ShearShare联合创始人
  • Stuart Edenfield ’07 and Curtis Edenfield ’09, co-founders, Thrive Aviation
  • Brittany Merrill Underwood ’06, founder and executive chairman, Akola Jewelry
  • 惠特尼·沃尔夫·赫德 ' 11, Bumble Inc .创始人兼首席执行官. (如图)



Students enjoy the culture of Dallas while also networking and becoming more involved 在达拉斯’ growing business hub.



You owe it to yourself to take advantage of remarkable growth opportunities through SMU and Dallas, 一个令人难以置信的大学城合作伙伴关系. 来我们这里看看你自己吧.




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