
新大大学注册办公室是注册服务部的一个运营部门. 我们的使命是支持 新大的使命 和具体的目标和目的概述在 “二世纪”策略计划 通过提供优质的服务给所有的组成部分-学生, faculty, staff, 学生家属, 以及普通大众.

我们的主要责任是确保准确性, integrity, and security of student data and academic records; to provide various services related to enrollment and academic records; to conduct inspiring academic ceremonies celebrating the academic accomplishments of SMU students; and, 帮助新大学生在新大和毕业后的事业中取得成功.


  • oversight and interpretation of academic records policies and establishment of related procedures; publication of university calendars; oversight of the approval of the University Calendar; oversight of compliance with FERPA
  • undergraduate transfer student transition and articulation oversight; undergraduate non-degree admissions and advising; veterans certification; university catalogs; academic ceremonies
  • academic room scheduling; schedule of classes; course registrations
  • maintaining permanent academic records; issuing transcripts and certifications of academic work; issuing diplomas;
  • certifying academic eligibility of student athletes; managing degree progress reporting system; managing student biographical and demographic information; providing standard and ad hoc enrollment and student data reports; maintaining the 注册服务 and Bursar websites; managing the SMU imaging system as related to student related documents; managing security to student academic data

我们通过追求卓越来完成我们的使命, 保持热情和鼓励的服务环境, 挑战自己,在工作中做到高效, 为我们自己和我们所服务的选民寻求新的、更好的经营方式, 在办公室和校园里创造一个鼓励成长的环境, 支持的学者, 尊重他人,尊重差异, 促进沟通和参与, 培养一种绩效文化.