
Smu deman法学院

  1. All externships for credit must provide substantial lawyering experience that is reasonably similar to the experience of a lawyer advising or representing a client or engaging in other lawyering tasks under the supervision of a licensed attorney or an individual otherwise qualified to supervise (hereinafter Field Supervisor).

  2. 所有学分实习必须包括以下内容: 
    1. direct supervision of the student’s performance by 学院主管 member or Field Supervisor;
    2. 表演机会, 来自学院主管或实地主管的反馈, 自我评价;
    3. 学生之间的谅解备忘录(MOU)或其他书面谅解, 学院主管, and a person in authority at the placement that describes both (A) the substantial lawyering experience and 表演机会, feedback 自我评价; and (B) the respective roles of 教师 Supervisor and Field Supervisor in supervising the student and in assuring the educational quality of the experience for the student, 包括一个明确的方法来评估学生的学习成绩;
    4. 一种选择方法, 培训, 评估并与现场主管沟通, including regular contact between the 教师 and Field Supervisors through in-person visits or other methods of communication that will assure the quality of the student educational experience.
    5. 课堂教学组成部分, 定期授课, 或者其他持续的方式, 同生, faculty-guided反射;
    6. evaluation of each student’s educational achievement by 学院主管; and
    7. sufficient control of the student experience to ensure that the requirements of these rules and ABA Standard 304 are met.

  3. The faculty has approved 3 externship courses: Federal Judicial Externship; Corporate Counsel Externship; and Government & 公益实习. 每门课程由一名学院主管领导, 谁监督课程中所有的实习. 学生 enrolling in an externship in the Corporate Counsel Externship or 联邦司法实习计划s must concurrently enroll in the classroom component, 而且可能只有一次实习机会.  参加政府实习的学生 & 公益项目 must concurrently enroll in the classroom component the first time they take such an externship.  如学生其后在另一政府部门实习 & 公益项目, the student will be supervised by a 教师 Supervisor who will provide other means of ongoing, 同生, 教师指导的反思,并遵守这些规则的所有其他要求. 

  4. The 教师 Supervisors who teach the externship courses may approve new field placements with the approval of the Senior 副院长 for Academic Affairs. 由学院主管批准 & 副院长, 任何新的场地布置必须符合这些规则和ABA标准304的所有要求. 每一次实地实习都需要实地主管之间的书面谅解, 学生, 符合规则2(c)要求的教员主管. The Curriculum Committee may approve new externship placements that fall outside the structure provided by these rules, 只要它们符合ABA标准304. 

  5. 政府的教务主管 & 公益项目 and the Office of 职业服务 will work together to maintain and publicize an accurate list of approved externships so that students will have access to current information about available field placements. The 教师 Supervisors will provide a list of actual student placements in the spring semester by February 1st of each year, 以及每年9月15日之前的夏季和秋季实习, 给教务处主任, 学生事务, 和诊所.

  6. 实习信用限制.
    1. 任何实地实习都不能获得超过6小时的学分.
    2. No student may apply more than 6 externship field placement credits toward the 87 credits required for the J.D.  课堂部分的学分不计入这6个学分的限制.

  7. Externship students are graded Credit/No Credit for their field placement work absent approval by the Curriculum Committee of an alternative grading system.  然而,课堂内容可能会按照法学院的标准进行评分. 

  8. 才有资格参加实习, the student must have successfully completed sufficient prerequisites or shall receive sufficient 同生 培训 to assure the quality of the student educational experience.  留校察看的学生不能参加实习. 

  9. J.D. 申请实习学分的学生优先于LL.M. 学生和J.D. 希望参加无学分实习的学生. LL.M. students must have the prior approval of the Graduate Committee to be eligible to enroll in an externship. 

  10. A student extern must work a minimum of 60 hours per semester at the field placement for every credit hour earned at the field placement unless otherwise approved by the Curriculum Committee. 

  11. 学生在实习期间所做的工作可能不会得到补偿.  必须事先得到学院主管的批准, a student may receive reimbursement for the reasonable expenses incurred as part of the field placement. 

  12. A  J.D. degree candidate at this law school may not enroll in an externship while attending another school without the prior approval of the Assistant Dean for 学生事务.  如果实习没有事先得到其他法学院的批准, 实习须经课程委员会批准. 

  13. The Field Supervisor must evaluate the performance of the extern student(s) in writing (which includes electronic communications) twice during a full-semester externship. 第一次评估必须在学期中期进行,第二次评估必须在实习结束时进行.  现场主管必须将评估副本发送给学院主管. 之后要尽快, 专业主管和学院主管都必须与学生会面讨论评估结果.  学院主管必须将这些评估表格的副本保存至少三年. 

  14. The student extern must complete two written evaluations of the student’s own work and of the Field Supervisor, 在学期中期和实习结束时. 学生必须将评估的副本交给学院主管. 

  15. 在外聘工作期间, 学生必须记录实习的日期和时间, 所做工作的性质, 这是为谁做的. 该日志必须定期提交给学院主管. The student’s work product must be submitted to 学院主管 on a regular basis during the student’s tenure at the externship, unless providing the work product would violate the legal duties or policies regarding confidentiality of the placement. The student will regularly communicate with 学院主管 (in a manner to be specified) the student’s reflections on the externship experience and self-evaluation of the student’s work. 

  16. 或者以文章的形式, 研究论文, 日记, 或者其他文字, each student must submit to 学院主管 at the end of the externship an evaluation of the student’s educational experience while working at the externship placement. This evaluation should include a critical self-evaluation by the student reflecting how the placement has changed or improved the student’s legal skills and values, and how the experience contributed to the student’s understanding of the legal system and the role of lawyers and judges therein.