Women’s Symposium

The 58th Women's Symposium - Establish Your Seat


Establish Your Seat, 58th Women's Symposium

Register Here!

Schedule of Events

签到及联络环节-下午5时至6时30分于1911展览馆, Hughes-Trigg Student Center Lower Level

Plated Dinner served - 6:30pm

  • Welcome Remarks
  • Community Awards Presentation
  • Keynote Address:Alex Elle

Closing Remarks - 8:30pm


The address for the event is as follows:

  Hughes-Trigg Student Center

  3140 Dyer Street

  Dallas, TX 75205

Parking information can be found on this map. 宾利车库提供客用停车场,地图上标有“C”.

If you have any questions about the event details, parking, or anything else regarding the Symposium, please reach out to us at womenandlgbtcenter@akingdum.net

 Keynote Speaker: Alex Elle

Alex Elle is a New York Times Bestselling Author, certified breathwork coach, 和她的家人住在马里兰州的恢复性写作老师. 写作进入了她的生活,通过日记和正念来治疗和探索. Alex的作品背后的意图是通过文学和语言建立社区和治疗实践. Alex teaches workshops, courses, 并通过静修来帮助他人找到自己的声音,让他们的生活和人际关系变得清晰. We are so thrilled to welcome Alex to campus for our event!

Community Award Nominations are closed! 

As a part of our symposium, 我们表彰那些通过工作对妇女生活产生积极影响的妇女社区成员, philanthropy, mentorship, and service. 我们每年颁发两个奖项:Gail Reese Ward卓越指导奖和领导力简介奖. Please see below for a description of each award.

Gail Reese Ward Award for Excellence in Mentoring
这个奖项是为了表彰那些一直致力于指导下一代女性领导者的个人. 这个奖项是为了纪念盖尔·沃德(1950-2003),她从2000年到2003年协调了妇女研讨会,并创建了领导人物奖项目. 它承认那些在女孩和妇女的工作和生活中作为导师作出特别重大贡献的人.

Profiles in Leadership Award
“领导人物奖”表彰那些体现了妇女专题讨论会宗旨的妇女:教育妇女成为社会和政治领袖. 该奖项的获奖者在各自的领域和生活中做出了杰出的工作,促进了女性的全面成功.


CORE the Podcast


Core The Podcast


Introducing CORE the PODCAST, 新大社区的所有成员都有机会参与内部代际对话和学习,这是妇女研讨会的一部分. Listen and Subscribe here.




1966年,已故的埃米五世(Emmie V .)创建了妇女研讨会,作为大学五十周年庆祝活动的一部分. Baine, Dean of Women at SMU from 1962 to 1988. 研讨会是国内同类项目中持续时间最长的,也是新大最古老、最杰出的传统之一.

一年一度的论坛汇集了不同年龄和多元文化背景的女性和男性,研究和讨论国家利益的话题. 研讨会是学生联合委员会一年工作的成果, faculty, and community leaders. 该计划的特色是国家认可的演讲者以及由学生举办的专题研讨会和讲习班, community leaders, and SMU faculty and staff.

CORE Women's Symposium Leadership Committee


  • 帮助计划并领导全国同类项目中持续时间最长的项目
  • Hear nationally recognized speakers
  • Discuss topics of national, global, and personal importance
  • Network with area leaders and community members

For more information, please contact  (214) 768-4792 or womenandlgbtcenter@akingdum.net

Core the Podcast

CORE the PODCAST 是否有机会让新大社区的所有成员参与到内部代际对话和学习中来,这些对话和学习通常只在我们的核心成员和她们配对的女性研讨会社区奖得主之间进行,以便在她们在研讨会上介绍她们之前了解她们. 被选为我们社区奖获奖者的女性拥有如此多面的生活和令人难以置信的旅程,才能达到今天的地位, and we feel like those stories need to be heard. So, we bring you CORE the PODCAST





妇女座谈会社区奖旨在表彰那些以行动和榜样推动了达拉斯地区妇女生活的妇女. 她们将在3月2日的妇女研讨会晚宴上受到表彰和庆祝. You can join us to celebrate with them to be registering here


The Gail Reese Ward Excellence in Mentoring Award

Gail Reese Ward卓越导师奖是为了纪念Gail Ward而设立的, 1950-2003, 是谁在2000年至2003年期间协调了新大女性研讨会,并创建了领导人物简介奖计划. 该奖项旨在表彰作为女童和妇女导师作出特别重大贡献的获奖者.


Gail Reese Ward卓越指导奖得主:

  • Lisa Culbertson, Head of Upper School at The Hockaday School

The Profiles in Leadership Award



Profiles in Leadership Award Winners:

  • Dr. Nancy Bernardino, Executive Director, Single Gender & Transformational Cluster, School Leadership A, Dallas ISD

  • Dr. Deanie Kepler,前新加坡管理大学家长和家庭项目/家长联络主任(已退休)

  • Almas Muscatwalla, Founder & 感恩节广场信仰前进达拉斯执行董事

  • Kelly Wilmore, Coordinator, Programs & Services, Diversity & Inclusion Chapter Lead, Alzheimer's Association, Dallas & Northeast Texas Chapter

  • Rabbi Elana Zelony, Senior Rabbi for Congregation Beth Torah

Individual Gifts

新大妇女研讨会的生命线是个人贡献者. Annual gifts from individuals, no matter what size, 为研讨会的运作提供很大一部分资金. Gifts may be made by cash, check, or online with a credit card. 奉献今天,就能改变世界,也能改变世界的女性.

Honoraria and Memorials

礼物可以用来纪念或纪念活着或死去的人. Celebrate a birth, graduation, 周年纪念或其他特别活动,并向新大女性研讨会赠送礼物.