New scholarship challenge will benefit law students

Vital initiative timed with 新大戴德曼法学院 centennial anniversary


To strengthen 支持 for recruiting the most outstanding law students across the nation, 新大戴德曼法学院 has launched a new scholarship challenge. 戴德曼法律百年奖学金挑战赛的捐助者将通过吸引对法律做出重要贡献的未来领导者,进一步提升新大历史悠久的法学院的地位, 业务, 政治, 国际事务中, 公众利益及其他.


“为了延续我们作为北德克萨斯州领先法学院的传统,并继续跻身全国法学院的最高行列,我们必须吸引最优秀的学生, who often receive competitive scholarships at other reputable law schools,杰森·P说. Nance, the Judge James Noel Dean at 新大戴德曼法学院. “通过这项新倡议, 我们将吸引和支持优秀学生,因为他们为成为法律专业的领导者奠定了坚实的基础.” 




——罗伯特·H. 小Dedman. ’80, ’84, SMU trustee and president of 戴德曼基金会



新的奖学金计划将使新大的法律教育对聪明的学生更具吸引力和可行性. 捐赠者将加强法学院提供与其他高排名学校相比具有竞争力的经济援助计划的能力, particularly for students with exceptional educational achievements and test scores.



  • 捐助者 are asked to commit by May 31, 2026, at least $100,000 to 支持 operational Dedman 法律 scholarships and fully pay the gift within five years. 
  • 当承诺实现的时候, 学校将以捐赠者的名义提供等额的永久捐赠奖学金,以永久扩大他们对未来学生的影响.
  • 这一倡议之所以成为可能,是因为德德曼基金会(戴德曼基金会) 2001年为法学院命名的一笔捐赠的重新分配.

“新大戴德曼法学院在培养未来的法律专家方面发挥着至关重要的作用,这些法律专家将在世界各地担任有影响力的职位. 许多人选择留下来, contribute to the thriving economy in Dallas and become leaders in our community,罗伯特·H说. 小Dedman. ’80, ’84, SMU trustee and president of 戴德曼基金会. “我们鼓励其他人加入我们的行列,对一家独特机构的未来及其塑造的法律思想进行战略投资.” 


礼物 to the Dedman 法律 Centennial Scholarship Challenge will:

  • 吸引更多优秀学生 to choose SMU for their legal education, many of whom will remain in Dallas to pursue their legal careers.
  • Further raise the law school’s standing among peer institutions and legal professionals.
  • Increase access to educational and professional opportunities 奖励优等生.
  • Advance Dedman法学院努力确保学生接受最好的法律教育 and secure outstanding employment opportunities upon graduation.

戴德曼法学院百年奖学金挑战赛是该校即将于2025年举行的百年校庆的第一个组成部分. 达拉斯第一所法学院于1925年在SMU成立,直到2014年,它一直是该市唯一的法学院.


“几十年, 戴德曼基金会和戴德曼家族通过对我们的战略重点做出令人难以置信的承诺,帮助塑造了新大,新加坡管理大学校长R. 杰拉尔德•特纳. “我们非常感谢他们支持戴德曼法律百年奖学金挑战赛, 捐助者将借此为新大第二个世纪的法律教育树立新标准.”


礼物 to the Dedman 法律 Centennial Scholarship Challenge add to 新大点燃:大胆塑造明天,该大学的多年期1美元.50亿美元的影响力运动. In particular, gifts advance the 运动’s goal to 授权优秀学生 by enabling them to attend SMU regardless of financial means and equipping them to succeed. 


“ SMU点燃 运动 is having a transformational impact on the University and its academic, 体育和社区项目,布拉德说。. Cheves, SMU vice president for Development and External Affairs. “对于校友和朋友来说,戴德曼法学院的百年校庆是一个理想的时刻,他们欣赏学校为学生提供支持和改善设施的重要性.”


To learn more about how to participate in the Dedman 法律 Centennial Scholarship Challenge, 联系克莱顿·埃利斯, 发展总监 or 214-768-4527.



——贾森·P. Nance, Judge James Noel Dean of 新大戴德曼法学院


Founded by Nancy McMillan Dedman ’50 and the late Robert H. Dedman,老. 1953年,戴德曼基金会对新大及其学生的慷慨大方有着悠久而传奇的历史. A $1 million contribution in 1976 named the Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports. 这笔捐款之后不久,1981年又有人承诺捐赠2500万美元,以命名戴德曼人文科学学院, 用捐赠基金的一部分资助学校经济和历史系的教授职位. 

In 1997, 戴德曼基金会和戴德曼家族在开学庆典上承诺为该校捐款3000万美元 领导时代 运动. 从这份礼物中, 拨款1200万美元用于建造戴德曼生命科学大楼,拨款200万美元用于建造戴德曼生命科学大楼.500万美元的新大奖学金,用于支持罗伯特·戴德曼母校的学生, 北达拉斯高中. In 2001, 新承诺的500万美元和1997年捐赠的1500万美元被指定为新大法学院的捐赠基金, which was renamed in honor of the Dedmans’ generosity. In 2012, 戴德曼基金会和戴德曼家族出资500万美元建立了戴德曼学院跨学科研究所, 通过研究活动促进跨学科解决问题和创造知识的文化, 奖学金和活动. A further gift in 2020 支持ed the institute’s programming in its new home, the Gerald J. Ford Hall for Research and Innovation.  

戴德曼基金会背后, the Dedman family has strong ties to SMU, both personally and philanthropically. 老罗伯特·戴德曼., who passed in 2002, earned his Master of 法律s degree from SMU’s School of 法律. Nancy Dedman received a bachelor’s degree in political science with Phi Beta Kappa honors. Their daughter, Patricia Dedman Nail ’81, earned a master’s degree in psychology from SMU. Their son, SMU Board of Trustees member and previous chair Robert H. 小Dedman.80、84年,获得了J.D. 和M.B.A. 新大学位. He now serves as president of 戴德曼基金会. His wife, Rachael Redeker Dedman ’96, earned a Master of Liberal Arts degree from SMU.



达拉斯第一所法学院于1925年在SMU成立,直到2014年,它一直是该市唯一的法学院. In 2001, 学校更名为新大戴德曼法学院,以纪念戴德曼家族的重大贡献. 

今天, 学校有独特的项目,每年有750多名学生和他们将服务的社区受益. 高影响力的举措包括:

  • Cutting-edge curriculum and programs, most notably in the areas of corporate law, 商法, 卫生法律, 能源法, 税法, 知识产权, 刑法和国际法, 等.
  • 十个 无偿法律诊所, including the second oldest in the country, that provide legal assistance to those who might not otherwise be able to afford it. Clinical training also gives students practical, real-world legal experience and helps them develop a public-service mindset. 
  • 校外实习项目 在公司法律顾问等领域, criminal law in small and rural communities, judiciary systems and government and public interest, 等. 值得注意的是, 国内没有任何一所法学院能提供如此多的学生——每年大约120人——在一些最大的律师事务所实习, most successful companies in the world.
  • 法院律师事务所, an interdisciplinary group that helps first-year law students build community, develop networking skills and receive vital insights from alumni, 导师和教职员工.
  • 四个 法律期刊, featuring over 150 student-published articles each year.

By providing a cutting-edge legal education, 戴德曼法学院 trains students to become successful lawyers, 商业领袖, policy experts and legal counselors in fields ranging from corporate, 知识产权, entrepreneurship and blockchain technology law to public service, 刑事和儿童权益法. Dedman 法律 continues to raise the bar for what a successful legal education looks like. 

最近的一届戴德曼法学院新生拥有学校历史上最高的学历. 许多在校生依靠奖学金和其他经济援助来实现他们的学术和职业目标. The school has an exceptional record for placing graduates into outstanding jobs, many of them choosing careers and firms in North Texas:

  • 100% of 2022 graduates who sought jobs were placed by March 15, 2023.
  • No. 10 in the nation for highest percentage of 2022 graduates placed in long-term, 全职, bar-passage required or JD advantage jobs (TaxProf博客).
  • No. 21 在美国.S. for 2023 graduates who landed associate jobs at the nation’s 100 largest law firms (法律.com).
  • No. 34 在全国范围内,2022届毕业生在毕业后立即担任司法助理的比例最高. 



SMU is the nationally ranked global research university in the dynamic city of Dallas. SMU的校友, 教职员工近12人,在8所授予学位的学校中,000名学生在指导职业变革时表现出企业家精神, 社区与世界. Building on its history of excellence, the University has launched 新大点燃:大胆塑造明天 -多年期1美元.5 billion 运动 to 授权优秀学生, 丰富教学和科研, and to enhance our campus and community.