Grievances and Appeals of University Employment Actions

大学的政策是与员工一起公平地处理所有人事问题, including employee grievances, questions or misunderstandings. 大学制定了申诉和上诉程序,旨在:

  1. Enhance and maintain good employee-management relations;
  2. Efficiently handle grievances at the supervisory level closest to the problem; and
  3. Maximize employee participation in problem resolution.

Grievance and Appeal Process

The first level of review is the immediate supervisor, 最后一级是大学校长或其指定人员.

If an employee is considering filing a grievance, the first 你的做法应该是与人力资源部联系,以便详细解释程序. 如果员工有不满或投诉首先找主管或经理, 他们应与人力资源部联系,听取有关应遵循的适当程序的建议. 人力资源部的作用是通过召集员工和主管来促进申诉程序的各个步骤.

投诉人可以进行投诉或申诉,而不必担心受到干涉, retaliation or harassment from supervisors. 以下四步程序将被大多数发起大学雇佣诉讼上诉的员工依次使用. However, in some cases, 取决于委屈者所占位置的等级, or the severity of the alleged event, this process may begin at Steps 2, 3, or 4.

STEP 1 - Work Area Level

员工应尽快与直接主管沟通. 如果问题不能由直接主管解决,或者投诉人无法与主管沟通, 投诉人应与人力资源部代表联系,以确定下一步应采取的适当行动.

STEP 2 - Departmental/Division Area Level

问题是否不能通过使用步骤1在合理的时间内得到解决, 申诉人应该和下一级管理人员谈谈. Before initiating this Step, 投诉人必须与人力资源部代表联系, 谁将决定合适的部门/部门或地区主管. 人力资源部代表将把投诉人和相应的主管召集在一起,并尝试解决问题.

STEP 3 - Vice Presidential Area

员工的不满是否不能在第二步得到解决, 投诉人必须与人力资源代表联系. 代表将把申诉人提交问题发生在其领域的副主席处理. 副总统将审查案件的事实并作出决定.

STEP 4 - Appeal Level

员工的不满是否不能在步骤3中得到解决, 投诉人可将其申诉提交上诉委员会审议.

  1. After receipt of the Vice President’s decision, 员工必须在十(10)个工作日内向助理副总裁和首席人力资源官发送书面请求,要求上诉. In consultation with appropriate University personnel, 人力资源执行主任或其指定人员将审查上诉请求,并决定是否适合召集大学小组.
  2. 总统将维持一个由12名成员组成的常设委员会,听取申诉和上诉. The committee members shall be University personnel, broadly representative and diverse in terms of sex, age, race, and length of service and job family including, but not limited to, faculty and administration, clerical and office, service workers and skilled trades. 委员会将通过从整个校园征集志愿者和被提名者的方式组成. The President will appoint four members to three-year terms; four members to two-year terms; four members to one-year terms; and will appoint replacement members as needed.
  3. 助理副总裁和首席人力资源官或其指定人员将从12名委员会成员中选择3名成员参与每个申诉和上诉案件. 被选定审理具体案件的三人将被指定为“申诉和上诉小组”.“选定的三名小组成员中至少有一名必须来自投诉人的同行或相关员工群体.
  4. 助理副总裁兼首席人力资源官或其指定人员将担任申诉和上诉小组的无表决权主席. He or she will direct the hearing, develop facts, 并总结小组的调查结果和建议. 人力资源执行主任或其指定人员将向主席介绍小组的调查结果和建议.
  5. 小组成员将以多数票决定向主席或其指定人员提出的建议. 主席或其指定人员将审查小组的调查结果和建议, and will accept or reject same in part or in full. The President or his/her designee’s decision is final.
  6. Counsel or a representative may advise either party, but shall not be permitted to attend, participate directly in the proceedings, testify, or question witnesses. 南威尼斯人娱乐城不负责与听证会有关的费用, including attorney’s fees, 哪些是由涉及投诉的雇员或答辩人招致的.