
  • The American Geophysical Union 有 honored two 地球科学 alumni with section awards in 2022:

    Dr. 谢, 自然灾害早期职业奖2022.  谢先生是杨博士的学生. 钟路 谁的研究重点是利用雷达遥感监测地质灾害.  Her PhD included chapters of stability of tailings impoundment outside of Salt Lake City and InSAR- and GPS based work on landslides.  她在新加坡管理大学毕业后, she moved into a postdoc position at UC Berkeley and is now an assistant professor at Peking University.       

    Dr. Vashan赖特, 科学与社会团队奖.  华山博士是华山博士的学生. Matt Hornbach获得了地球物理学博士学位.  Vashan started his work on seismic and tsunami hazard and tectonics of Jamaica, but his interests quickly moved into understanding granular physics and rock physics.  在新大的时候, he helped found the graduate student after-seminar to help build the sense of community amongst 地球科学 graduate students, and he played a key role in the creation and design of the ‘Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE)’ program. He is currently an assistant professor at Scripps Institute of Oceanography, UC San Diego. 

  • 大规模的Hunga火山喷发树立了新的标准 用于地震事件的众包科学观测. 

  • 在新大的最后一个学期, 在丹顿市的实习帮助了地球科学的校友, 艾莉森文策尔, 发现他的天赋,教德州人保护环境. Read about Alison's work with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality here:

  • 新大地热实验室被授予 resolution by the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas Legislature congratulating the research facility for 51 years of vital contributions to science and industry.

  • 苏珊娜E. 斯姆雷卡尔, 1990年博士, is 计划的首席研究员 真理 到金星的太空探测器是通过 美国宇航局探索计划. This investigation is one of the final selections from four mission concepts NASA picked in February 2020 as part of the agency’s Discovery 2019 competition. Dr. 斯姆雷卡也是 火星洞察号着陆器副首席研究员.

  • Southern Methodist University's Shuler Museum of Paleontology 有 partnered with DFW Airport for a geological study of a creekbed on airport property that contains prehistorical ash. 在这个 video,加入我们的挖掘现场!

  • 听医生说. 戴尔的一个. 舒勒古生物博物馆馆长温克勒与我们讨论 Wannchampsus kirpachi (small terrestrial crocodile), two skulls preserved in contact, Early Cretaceous fossilized bone. 链接到故事.

  • 纪念詹姆斯·埃尔伍德·布鲁克斯

  • Azle residents are frustrated and waiting for answers after multiple earthquakes affect their town. 链接到story1. 

  • Curator of earth sciences at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science and adjunct associate professor at Southern Methodist University, 托尼Fiorillo, 讨论电影中达拉斯的明星佩罗恐龙 与恐龙同行.

  • Dr. 詹姆斯E. 快速讨论在新的联合国教科文组织地质公园中突出的化石超级火山. 链接到故事.

  • Michael Polcyn discusses the use of three-dimensional printing for fossils still trapped in medium. 链接到故事.

  • Maria Richards, SMU researcher touts geothermal energy potential of Eagle Ford wells. 链接到故事.

  • Dr. 尤里木村, 赫芬顿地球科学系博士后, 她的博士论文发表了两篇论文吗, Evolutionary Patterns of Tooth Shape in Relation to Diet Inferred by Stable Carbon Isotope of Tooth Enamel in Murine Rodents from the Miocene of Pakistan. 链接到论文1. 链接到论文2.

  • SMU地热实验室的Maria Richards问道, 是什么阻碍了消费者购买绿色能源? 链接到故事.

  • Dr. Louis Jacobs and other members of the PaleoAngola Project discover a new type of fish-eating crocodile in Angola.

  • 大学城的朱厄尔·利普斯, a Southern Methodist University sophomore majoring in environmental science and chemistry, was recently awarded a grant through the National Science Foundation's 研究 Experience for 本科s program. 链接到故事.

  • 赫芬顿地球科学系 graduate student, John Graf, and Dr. 地球与人类研究所的路易斯·雅各布斯说, 讨论腔棘鱼化石的发现及其重要性. 链接到故事.

  • 赫芬顿地球科学系研究生, Junghyun公园, meets former South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and presents him with a copy of her doctoral dissertation, Infrasound Signal Processing from Regional Arrays; Seismic Characteristics of North Korean Nuclear Explosions. 链接到故事.