
SMU will break ground on 韦伯末端区综合体 at Ford Stadium following $15 million gift from Armstrongs

A $15 million commitment from entrepreneurs 82届的比尔·阿姆斯特朗和82届的莉兹·马丁·阿姆斯特朗 will enable SMU to break ground in early December for the Garry 韦伯末端区综合体, 新加坡管理大学的Gerald J. 福特体育场,野马队的主场. The $100 million drive for the complex was launched in January 2022 with a $50 million gift from the Garry Weber Foundation, 由前野马队足球明星加里·A. 韦伯的58. 新综合设施的奠基仪式目前定于2022年12月2日举行.

“Bill and Liz Armstrong’s continuing dedication to initiatives across campus is an inspiration to our faculty, 教职员及学生,新加坡管理大学校长R. 杰拉尔德•特纳. “他们对新大体育的贡献, academics and our students’ campus experiences are bolstering the future of SMU and will leave a lasting impact in North Texas and beyond.”

阿姆斯特朗给加里·韦伯的礼物支持了一个主要的目标 新大点燃:大胆塑造明天,该大学的多年期1美元.50亿美元的影响运动,由 加强校园和社区 通过竞技体育和多样化的节目来建立公民自豪感.

“SMU体育在北德克萨斯社区发挥着至关重要的作用, 在新大学生的经历和我们的生活中,比尔·阿姆斯特朗说. “我们很自豪能够投资新大体育的光明未来, which brings the highest level of collegiate competition to Dallas and prepares student-athletes to be champions in their pursuits on the field and throughout their lives.”

The gift by the Armstrongs 支持s SMU 体育运动 efforts to provide ever-growing opportunities to student-athletes and the wider community through facilities and programmatic offerings. 自2013年以来, 新大体育已经在校园内投资了超过2.5亿美元用于锦标赛级别的设施.



  • 提高效率, occupancy and functionality of Ford Stadium through better accessibility and premium fan seating.
  • Empowers Mustang student-athletes with dynamic new spaces for strategy- and team-building activities.
  • Strengthens the health and well-being of SMU 体育运动 through improved nutrition and sports medicine facilities, 以及更好的训练和恢复选择.
  • 进一步 新大体育运动向竞技体育高层迈进的势头.

The new Garry 韦伯末端区综合体 will anchor Ford Stadium’s south bowl that will connect the stadium’s existing east and west gate entries. 新综合体的三层将增加功能, 为学生运动员和球迷提供野马足球的效率和整体体验. 以团队为中心的空间将包括新的更衣室, 健身房, 职位专用会议室, 一个全队礼堂,一个厨房和训练桌,以支持所有484名新大学生运动员. The new facility will also house football coaches, 支持 staff, and video and recruiting services.

“Bill and Liz Armstrong have been active participants in shaping our vision for the SMU Football program and, 特别是, 足球运营中心,里克·哈特说, 新加坡管理大学体育主任. “This gift to the Garry 韦伯末端区综合体 punctuates their commitment to our program and to all of the student-athletes, 致力于为山顶带来冠军的教练和工作人员.”

在他们毕业后的几年里, 阿姆斯特朗夫妇继续在新大发挥积极作用, contributing generously to both academic and athletic initiatives across campus and becoming recognizable faces at the University’s “Boulevarding” tradition prior to football games. 这个礼物给加里韦伯端区综合体代表了他们对新大最大的单一承诺.

In 2011, the couple helped create a new home for SMU student residents by committing the leading gift to a new Residential Commons complex. A 2018 gift from the Armstrongs established the Armstrong Fieldhouse within the SMU Indoor Performance Center, providing the University’s student-athletes with state-of-the-art training and practice facilities. 继续支持新大体育运动, 这对夫妇最近帮助发起了“2025愿景足球支持基金”, an ongoing fundraising drive to continue growing the impact of Mustang football through 2025 by addressing critical program needs.

“我们的家庭是在新大的地质学101教室里成立的, 我和比尔在哪儿认识的, 还有我们的孩子, 其中两位也是新大的校友, 用他们自己在山顶的经历延续了这一遗产,利兹·马丁·阿姆斯特朗说. “We are excited about the future of Mustang football and look forward to seeing how what happens on the field inspires great things in the lives of student-athletes and others in the years to come.”

This gift to the Garry 韦伯末端区综合体 punctuates the Armstrongs’ commitment to bringing championships to the Hilltop.


新大最珍贵和最知名的建筑之一,杰拉德J. Ford Stadium has come to represent athletic distinction and Mustang pride at SMU alongside the University’s long-held tradition of tailgating dubbed “boulevarding” along Bishop Boulevard before football games. 2020年将迎来20周年纪念, 这座体育场是由新大董事杰拉尔德·J·琼斯(Gerald J. 66年的福特,69年的福特,由野马的校友,捐赠者和社区成员参加.

“杰拉尔德·J. 福特体育场极大地丰富了新大的历史, 而加里·韦伯的端区综合体将在未来延续和扩大这种影响,布拉德说。. 新加坡管理大学负责发展和对外事务的副校长Cheves说. “We are forever grateful to donors like the Armstrongs who pave the way to a better future for our students, 我们的大学和我们的世界.”



Liz Martin Armstrong ’82 and Bill Armstrong ’82 met as geology majors at SMU and married in 1984. 在新大的时候, 比尔是Phi Gamma Delta兄弟会的成员, 荣誉委员会和Phi Beta Kappa协会. Liz served as treasurer of Pi Beta Phi and performed in Pigskin Revue and Parents’ Weekend with its song group. 她还担任过AARO(迎新指导)负责人. 两人都参加了新加坡管理大学陶斯分校的地质学野外营地, 他们在那里坠入爱河,后来为卡西塔·阿姆斯特朗提供了资金. 在一起, 他们推动了一家初创公司进入阿姆斯特朗石油天然气公司, an energy exploration juggernaut; founded the award-winning Epoch Estate Wines; and established The Armstrong Foundation, 哪个专注于艺术和教育慈善事业. 多年来, 他们富有远见的慷慨,丰富了新大和全国无数人的生活.

通过他们的领导和忠诚的支持,阿姆斯特朗夫妇已经成为新大的变革者. Bill Armstrong serves on the SMU Board of Trustees and co-chairs the Campaign Steering Committee for 体育运动. 目前,他是“2025愿景”运动的领军人物. Liz Armstrong serves on the Development and External Affairs Standing Committee of the SMU Board and co-chairs the Campaign Steering Committee for 德曼人文科学学院. 两人还担任新加坡管理大学陶斯分校和戴德曼学院的执行委员会成员, 莉兹曾是该组织的主席. Their past service includes co-chairing the Parent 领导人hip Council and the Second Century Campaign Steering Committee for Denver.

2021年杰出校友奖获得者, the Armstrongs are among three generations of family to attend the University – including their daughters, Lindsey Strawn ’10 and Leigh Young ’11 – and their investments across the campus reflect their commitment to enhancing the student experience. In 2011, 他们是第一批致力于建设阿姆斯特朗公地的人, 是新大生活学习社区的基石. 最近, 他们使阿姆斯特朗球场成为可能, 室内表演中心的主要组成部分. A passion for ballet led them to fund the Armstrong Visiting Artist-in-Residence in Ballet at 梅多斯艺术学院 during the 2020–21 academic year, 他们还捐赠了一笔戴德曼学院奖学金.


SMU是位于充满活力的城市达拉斯的全国排名的全球研究型大学. SMU的校友, 教师12人以上,000 students in eight degree-granting schools demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit as they direct change in their professions, 社区与世界. 在其卓越历史的基础上,大学推出了 新大点燃:大胆塑造明天 -多年期1美元.50亿美元资助优秀学生, 丰富教学和科研, 并加强我们的校园和社区.