
Q. 我对新闻学很感兴趣. 我为什么要考虑新大?
A. 新大新闻系提供密集的, hands-on training that prepares the media professionals of the 21st century. The Division of 新闻 reflects exactly SMU's overall student-faculty ratio of 12-1. This means that you will never have a skills class with more than 15 students. 12或13名学生的技能班很常见.

Q. 那这个呢? 设施?
A. The 新闻 Complex has state-of-the-art computer equipment, a dynamic broadcast studio and a convergence newsroom in which student media content is produced. 该综合大楼对新闻专业的学生24小时开放. 几个小时之后, swipe access is available for journalism students to work and study in a safe, 专业的环境.

Q. I've been thinking about a big university in which I might be anonymous. Like maybe in a class of 200 or 300 students, I might cut class and no one will notice. 新大适合我吗?
A. No.

Q. 好了,说真的. 我想要一个我不是数字的地方. 我想让我的教授知道我的名字. I'd like to be able to work closely with journalism professors who have professional experience and who know what it takes to perform at the highest levels of professional media. 新大适合我吗?
A. 是的. 马上申请. We want highly motivated students interested in developing critical thinking skills. You will learn what news is, how to report it and how to produce it over multiple media platforms.

Q. 我知道新加坡管理大学很贵,我的家庭也不富裕. 我有机会参加吗?
A. 绝对. The majority of our students receive some type of financial aid. We also have a wonderful professional staff that can work with you to pursue financing options that are right for you and your family. As well, we have a large number of scholarships available for first-year students who excel学术. 专门针对新闻业, we have a number of divisional scholarships that are available for current students who are declared journalism majors and who maintain a 3.平均绩点0. 不要被成本吓倒. If you want to come to SMU to study journalism, we will work with you.

Q. I see in the catalog that audio-video is required, as is digital technology. 我毕业后想在杂志社工作. 为什么我需要这些课程?
A. We are absolutely convinced that the digital world will rule communications of all kinds in the near future. 我们已经看到了这一点. 视频技能是每个学生的必备技能. 我们将教你拍摄专业质量的视频, edit it and get it on the Internet in whatever form is required. We started this requirement several years ago, and some of our students complained. 现在, 每个学生都感谢我们, especially when they get into the professional world and see what is required.

Q. I've talked with some schools and I can't really take any journalism or get my hands on equipment until I'm a junior. 新大发生了什么?
A. First-year students are welcome to begin classes and begin participating in student media. 你可以立即获得专业设备. We welcome enthusiastic students who want to get an early start on being professionals.

Q. I know a number of journalism programs have very strict standards on curriculum that seem confusing and even limiting. 新大的课程要求是什么?
A. 我们的要求很简单. 新闻学专业要求36小时的新闻学课程, 我们要求辅修,强烈鼓励双修. 其他的大调或小调由你决定. 它们可以在其他通信领域, and we will work with you to define your goals and seek the best curriculum to prepare you for the career you want. The other areas of study can also be in education, business or the liberal arts. We encourage all students considering any university to examine closely the curriculum requirements and make sure they are in line with what the student wants. 我们是一个专业的节目,不会为此道歉.

Q. 我知道媒体工作竞争非常激烈. 如果我不确定自己是否想当记者怎么办? 我为什么要学新闻学?
A. Only about a third of our graduates in the last five years have gone into professional media work. 但那些这样做的人继续做得很好. 我们的许多毕业生都去了法学院. We will teach you to write and think, which is perfect for legal training. Other students go into public relations and governmental relations. 我们的一些毕业生教书. We are very proud of our recent graduates who have gone into Teach for America. 我们的一些学生从事销售工作. 一些人进入了市场营销领域. 诸如此类. The ability to write and communicate with clarity and effectiveness will serve you well in any job you have in the future.

Q. I've heard of the William O'Neil Program in Business 新闻. 这是什么??
A. It's a program dedicated to preparing the business journalists of the future. We offer our regular journalism core curriculum but also classes in business journalism. 除了, we have an arrangement with the renowned Cox School of Business to provide business as a double major or minor. It is an excellent and demanding program that offers tremendous flexibility for those who participate.

Q. 实习怎么样??
A. SMU is situated in the largest media market in the Southwest and the No. 5 .全国电视市场. 任何想要实习的学生都可以得到. And because of our location, they're not just summer internships. We have students interning in the fall and spring semesters as well. 不仅仅是媒体. 我们有公关实习, and we also have governmental internships and other types such as with our professional sports teams, 包括达拉斯牛仔队. 我们相信我们在这方面有很大的优势.

Q. I've started at a university in which I don't really feel comfortable. 我可以在第一年甚至第二年转学吗?
A. 绝对. 请参阅最后一个问题中的应用程序链接. And if you've taken journalism classes we'll work closely with you to make sure you get the transfer credit you deserve.

Q. I'm just finishing my second year at a two-year community college. That seems a long way from what I have always perceived to be SMU. 我有机会去新大吗?
A. 是的. Some of our best journalism students in recent years have been transfers from two-year community colleges. We find them to be serious students who are committed to professional careers. 也, excellent scholarship opportunities are available for students transferring from North Texas community colleges. 请查看我们的录取程序.

Q. OK. 你出卖了我. 我从哪里开始呢??
A. 在这里. This site also has links to applications for transfer students. 选择适合你的应用程序,然后开始忙碌起来. 你也可以联系梅多斯招聘 meadowsrecruitment@akingdum.net.