The Use of Video Surveillance Equipment

Policy number: 9.9

Policy section: Police & Public Safety

Revised Date: July 11, 2022

1.  Definitions

Definitions of capitalized terms are set forth in Appendix A.

2.  Policy Statement

学校的政策是在学校拥有或控制的财产上使用视频监控设备, and, in doing so, to comply with applicable federal, state and local law affecting its use.

3.  Purpose

大学致力于提供一个合理安全的环境,以支持学院的学术使命.  A variety of policing strategies are used in this endeavor, 包括使用集中的视频监控设备系统.

信息技术厅核准购买视频监视设备,并负责其安装和维护.  新大警察局监控视频监控设备拍摄的图像.  在大学拥有或控制的财产上存在视频监控设备并不意味着或保证该设备处于连续运行状态或实时监控或以其他方式进行监控.

4.  Applicability


  1. academic research or instruction;
  2. 经相关机构审查委员会批准的人体研究;
  3. athletic events or performing arts performances;
  4. video conferencing;
  5. Webcams used to communicate construction progress or other University-related projects of general interest; and
  6. 在新大校园内使用相机,必须经过新大发展和对外事务办公室的批准,并遵守校园拍摄指南, as governed by University Policy 5.15, Commercial Photography.

5.  Permitted Uses of Images Captured by Video Surveillance Equipment

  1. The University uses images obtained through Video Surveillance equipment primarily for law enforcement and security purposes; however, 事先得到商业和金融副总裁的批准 or designee (in consultation with the Office of Legal Affairs), images from Video Surveillance equipment may be used for:
    1. internal employee and student disciplinary action;
    2. Clery Crime Alerts;
    3. news releases issued by the Office of Marketing and Communications;
    4. civil lawsuits by the University against a person(s) whose activity appears in the recorded images and which activity is the basis for the suit; and
    5. 经主管商业及财务副总裁批准的其他用途, his/her designee, 或新大警察总长(与法律事务办公室协商).
  2. 违反本政策获得的图像不得用于对大学教职员工的纪律处分程序, staff or student body.
  3. 经主管商业和财务的副总裁或其指定人员事先批准(与法律事务办公室协商), 新大警察局可以秘密操作视频监控设备,仅用于执法目的.
  4. 未经商业和财务副校长或指定人员的书面许可,新大视频监控设备拍摄的图像不得复制或分发到大学以外.
  5. 只有新大的警察部门才能接触到录像, 或经主管商业和财务的副总裁或其指定人员批准的个人.
  6. 任何人违反本政策,对学校拥有或控制的财产进行视频监控,可能会受到学校的制裁,包括终止雇佣或开除学籍.

6. 采购,安装和安置视频监控设备

  1. 视频监控设备的采购应由新大商业和财务副校长或其指定人员批准.主管企业财务的副总裁或其指定人员可以拒绝批准收购, 安装或使用与新大现有信息系统技术不兼容的视频监控设备.
  2. All Video Surveillance equipment must be installed:
    1. in accordance with SMU Office of Planning, Design and Construction guidelines and this policy; and
    2. 这样新大警察局就可以直接实时地访问捕获的图像.
  3. 新大警察局应审查和批准为执法或校园安全目的而安装的视频监控设备的放置. 除非为合法的执法目的而有必要,并经达拉斯县地方检察官办公室或有管辖权的法院批准, Video Surveillance equipment may not be installed or operated in:
    1. a student’s residence hall room without the student’s permission;
    2. public restroom toilet stalls or in view of urinals;
    3. locker or dressing rooms where showering or disrobing is routine;
    4. private offices without the occupant’s permission; or
    5. other areas where occupants have an enhanced expectation of privacy.

7. Training

商务财务处应确保负责安装或操作视频监控设备的每个大学员工都接受过有效的培训, legal, and ethical use of the equipment.

8. Alteration of Images Captured by Video Surveillance Equipment

未经业务财务副总裁事先同意,不得更改视频监控设备捕获的图像 or designee (in consultation with the Office of Legal Affairs).

Appendix A: Definitions

“Video Surveillance” 指使用摄像机观察校园的物理区域,以识别违反法律或政策的个人和活动.

Revised: July 11, 2022

Adopted: October 21, 2014

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