
The clinic's family counseling services are appropriate for families, 夫妻, 继父和/或混合家庭, 父/子, 兄弟姐妹的问题, 还有其他关系问题. 而不是单独解决问题, families work together to become healthier and happier as a unit. Couples counseling can involve general relationship issues, pre-marital, or marital counseling. Families with young children will be involved in family play therapy, whereby counseling is modified to the youngest family member’s development so that every member can fully participate in the counseling process.


诊所提供个人, 社会, and career-related counseling on a one-on-one basis for individuals 18 years of 年龄 and older. 提供老年咨询.


Adolescent counseling includes talk and activity based counseling and expressive arts for 年龄s 13-17 to assist with behavior, 社会, 学校, 同行, 生活过渡困难. Activity therapy entails providing various activities for individuals to eng年龄 in for the purposes of facilitating the expression and working through of issues. Activity Therapy is also used for pre-adolescent children 年龄s 9-12.

Parents/caregivers are involved in the process through parent/caregiver consultations. Parent/caregiver consultations are used to inform caregivers of general themes or concerns that arise in the teen’s/child’s therapy sessions. Parent/caregiver consultations also provide valuable information to the counselor about how the teen/child is behaving at home and at 学校, as well as how the caregiver typically responds to the teen’s/child’s needs. 另外, a parent/caregiver consultation is a time when concerns can be discussed with the counselor about the teen’s/child’s mental health well-being. This also provides the counselor an opportunity to assist parents/caregivers in learning new skills and techniques to help their teen/child.


Play Therapy is used for children two years and older. 研究 supports the use of play therapy with children in this 年龄 range as an effective and developmentally appropriate therapeutic approach. Play therapy is utilized to provide children with concrete means of expressing and communicating experiences, 的想法, 感情, 和关切. 游戏是孩子的语言, as words can be too abstract for young children to use to process difficult situations (Landreth, 2002). 通过游戏疗法, 一个一致的, 安全, and autonomous environment is established for children to facilitate problem solving, 更强的自我概念, 责任的发展, 自我控制能力的增强, 感受的表达.


The clinic's 团体咨询 services include parent education groups (e.g., Filial Therapy, Positive Discipline), teen groups, activity groups (i.e., for children between the 年龄s of 9-12), and play therapy groups (i.e., for children 年龄s 3-8) for varied concerns and topics.

Groups do not run on a set schedule, please call to inquire about availability.


The clinic's career counseling services are for adolescents who are considering first time career decisions and major decision-making, young adults who are navigating the 学校-to-work transition, adults who are experiencing planned or unplanned career transitions, and individuals who are considering retirement. A variety of career assessments are available to support the career counseling process including the Strong Interest Inventory, 迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标, 和YouScience评估. Clients also receive assistance with resume writing and preparing for job interviews.



Southern Methodist University (SMU) will not discriminate in any employment practice, 教育项目, 教育活动, 或者基于种族的录取, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 性, 年龄, 残疾, 遗传信息, 或者老兵身份. SMU's commitment to equal opportunity includes nondiscrimination on the basis of 性ual orientation and gender identity and expression.