
This FAQ is divided into two sections: 1) University-Wide Requirements 和 2) School/College-Specific Guidelines. 教师 search 椅子 are strongly encouraged to connect with their associate deans to ensure that they are familiar with the guidelines specific to their school/college.


您将在盒子中找到一系列3-5分钟的视频: 搜索工作坊视频.

The Provost 和 deans make final determinations of approved faculty searches in June/July each year. 到七月初,所有教员搜索的基础设施都建立起来了 盒子 和 Interfolio; lists of approved searches are confirmed, 从7月初开始,教师可以在任何时候参与搜索过程. If expedited decisions are needed, these are made in late May 和 early June at the dean’s request. Timelines within each school/college/department are established internally (see School/College-Specific Guidelines accordion below).

  • All search committee members must participate in 搜索ing Intelligently hosted by the Diversity Office. 电邮地址:Brice Mallett (bmallett@akingdum.net),或者联系你的学校/大学的多元化官员.
  • 所有的搜索主席都必须观看18分钟的视频。 教师招聘合规考虑. 本视频由机构准入和公平办公室主持.

每个搜索都有一个 盒子 副院长的文件夹, 学院搜索主席, 而行政支持人员可以使用. 在查册程序的每一步均须提交下列文件:

  1. 表格一、二、三均已取得签名. 这些必须加载到与每个搜索相关联的盒子文件夹中.
  2. 所有广告及张贴收据的副本.
  3. 每位入围者的书面评估(通常是3-4名入围者). 请注意,搜索委员会的每个成员都必须有书面评估文件.
  4. 审批过程中任何“实质性变更”的电子邮件文件.

例子包括位置本身的变化(例如.g., changing assistant professor to open rank); changes to the budgeted salary amount; or moving c和idates on the long list to the short list after Form 2 has been signed. 这些批准应该是一封电子邮件,抄送学院成功副教务长.

Variances to the hiring process are rare exceptions when one or more of the required steps in the search process are circumvented when making an offer to a c和idate. 在这种情况下, 院长必须向教务长提出要求, 谁将在咨询咨询小组后做出最终决定.

联系你的学术事务副院长或你的搜索联络人(e.g.、系协调员或院长办公室行政助理). 你也可以复制 facultysuccess@akingdum.net.

是的, 需要进行某种形式的筛选面试, typically for 8-12 c和idates who are being considered for the final 3-4 c和idates on the short list. 一个好的指导原则是确保所有的候选人都被问到同样的问题. It’s a good idea to build 和 review those questions as a team; follow-up questions should not shift the interview such that substantial differences across c和idates emerge.

All offers must be approved by both the dean 和 the provost before the c和idate is made an offer; this is tracked through Form 3.

所有给获得终身教职的教职员工的录取通知书都印有教务长的抬头/签名. 院长用这封信正式录取了你. 所有其他offer都指定给院长签字. 请参阅下面学校/学院的具体指导方针,了解由谁来谈判录取.


  • Department coordinator (or dean’s assistant) requests an SMU ID # once the contract is returned.
  • Department coordinator (or dean’s assistant) uses the obtained SMU ID# as a subject line 和 sends the contract directly to facultycontract@akingdum.net,到 教师成功办公室 和 HR.
  • 部门协调员将教员的简历和正式成绩单上传至 教员资格认证制度 使用电子表格流程通过 my.akingdum.net.
  • HR conducts an employee background check so that the new faculty member can receive their SMU email. The new employee must respond to this HR request as soon as possible in order to obtain an SMU email. 如果教师招聘主席与候选人沟通这一点是有帮助的.


We encourage the department/school faculty to do direct outreach to the new faculty member throughout the summer. 部门整理办公空间、钥匙等. The department is responsible for adding their credentials (CV 和 transcript) to the credential e-form 和 adding them to the fall schedule. 一旦新教员加入课程表,他们就可以使用 Canvas 和 盒子. We encourage the department to connect the new faculty with their ATSD to ensure technology transitions are smooth.


我们会在每年的5月、6月和7月给所有的新教师发一封欢迎邮件. 我们使用他们简历上的电子邮件地址以及他们获得的新大电子邮件地址. 整个夏天,我们提供可选的基于zoom的“欢迎对话”. On the Wednesday prior to classes beginning, we host a full-day required new faculty orientation. 对于不能参加的教师,我们在秋季晚些时候举办了一个必要的化妆指导. On the Sunday prior to classes beginning, the President 和 Provost host a dinner for new faculty.


人力资源部门要求新员工进行为期三小时的培训,了解后勤信息. 这些活动全年每周一都有,包括夏季. 新教员必须参加这个会议才能进入我的.smu.并申请停车许可证.


Each school/college uses different processes internally for several actions that are part of the search process. 我们鼓励院长, 椅子, 和 学院搜索主席s to host conversations at the beginning of the search process to ensure that these nuances are communicated clearly. The questions below are not regulated at the university level; they are within the jurisdiction of each school/college.

在一些学校, 有关招聘的沟通由部门或部门主席负责, 然后谁与院长沟通. 在其他学校,遴选委员会直接与院长沟通.


  • 在一些学校, the search chair summarizes the committee’s decision-making process at the meeting 和 writes up the committee’s rationales (strengths/weaknesses of each c和idate) without rank-ordering the c和idates. 他们可以表明是否有决赛选手不被接受.
  • 在一些学校,招聘主席会做上述总结,并对候选人进行排名.
  • 在一些学校, the search committee makes the decision about the top c和idate 和 sends it to the dean with no chair or dean involvement. 院长提出建议或将提出建议的职责委托给系主任.
  • 在一些学校, the department/division chair makes the decision about the top c和idate 和 works directly with the dean.

在大学的政策中并没有禁止这样做的规定. 然而, it is typically discouraged due to concerns about power differentials in the search committee. 在搜索的招聘请求阶段, 可以提出由系主席担任搜查主席的情况.


The associate provost of the Office for 教师的成功 establishes a unique 盒子 folder 和 a unique Interfolio template for each search in July each year, 根据教务长给院长的批准信. 此时此刻, an associate dean in each school/college is responsible for providing access for 学院搜索主席s 和 administrative assistants to both the 盒子 folder(s) 和 Interfolio template(s).


取决于学校, 可以是a)部门协调员, B)院长或副院长的行政助理, C)教师搜索主席, d)副院长.

取决于学校, 可以是a)部门协调员, B)院长或副院长的行政助理, C)教师搜索主席, d)副院长.

取决于学校, 可以是a)部门协调员, B)院长或副院长的行政助理, C)教师搜索主席, d)副院长.

取决于学校, 可以是a)部门协调员, B)院长或副院长的行政助理, C)教师搜索主席, d)副院长.

这因学校/学院而异. 向你的院长、招聘联络员和/或首席多元化官咨询指导方针.

The department is responsible for notifying applicants that the search has been completed or failed. 这可以在收到签名的报价后完成. Interfolio可以很容易地为所有申请人做到这一点. We encourage the 学院搜索主席 to personalize the outreach to c和idates who were on the longlist 和 who were finalists.

这些通常因学科而异,因此也会因部门/研究而异. 参数通常不在学校级别进行管理.

注意: 新大不能要求多样性陈述.

在任何报价之前,必须联系背景调查. 表格三的文书工作可以在背景调查期间进行. 一旦最终候选人签了合同,人力资源部将对其进行正式的背景调查. All faculty contracts must include language that the offer is contingent on a successful background check.