
保单号码: 2.24

政策部分: 学术事务

修订日期: 2019年12月16日

1.  政策声明

It is the policy of the University to establish Centers in selected areas to facilitate research and 程序 development and to enhance the University's response to the needs of the larger community.

2.  目的

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the organization and operations of Centers.

3.  成功有效中心的特点

  1. A Center should enhance the research and 程序 activities of faculty without being burdened by competing administrative layers.
  2. The activities of a Center should complement the activities of the existing academic units of the University rather than compete with them.
  3. A Center should facilitate collaborative and interdisciplinary research 项目 which involve faculty from several 部门 and schools.
  4. A Center should respond to the needs of the community and be consistent with the University's mission.

4.  组织


  1. 中心主任由教务长任命, 在适当院长的推荐下, 任期不超过5年. 按固定期限合同服务的教员, 董事的任期不应超过合约的期限.

    The Director is responsible for assuring that the terms and conditions of all contracts and grants are met. The Director will initiate action on matters of policy, 程序, 人员, 项目, and budget. The Director will receive proposals and pass them on with recommendations to 执行委员会 for their consideration. 主任还将执行中心与项目有关的政策和行动, 人员, and budget (i) by allocating 人员 and funds according to the general plans adopted by 执行委员会, (ii) by making appointments of research and development 人员 with the supporting recommendation of 执行委员会, and the final approval of the appropriate Dean and other University officials as required, and (iii) by formulating the budget for the approval of 执行委员会 and the appropriate Dean(s).

    The Director is also responsible for planning and review of the work of the various 程序 components of the Center. 具体地说, 主任将主持会议, 与投票, the regular meetings of 执行委员会 at which (i) proposals for action on matters of policy, 程序, 人员, 项目, 预算也会被考虑, 报告各方案组成部分和项目的进展情况, 综述了, 和评估, (iii) desirable revisions of ongoing research and development 项目 will be formulated, (四)制定新的计划和项目计划.

    中心主任将全面负责各项目. The heads of the various 程序s will be responsible to the Director for implementing the research and development policies and 程序s established by 执行委员会. Each 程序 head will be responsible for (i) defining and clarifying the objectives of their 程序s, (ii) relating the work of that component to the other 程序s and to the goals of the Center, (iii)分配和协调分配Give其项目的人员, (四)定期以书面形式报告其项目的工作.

  2. The Executive Board will consist of the Director and a minimum of three persons who will be drawn from heads of 程序s or other faculty with expertise in the disciplines served by the Center. The actual size of the Board will be dependent on the magnitude of activities of the Center, 但不会超过9个. 董事会成员, 除了署长以外, 将于每年六月由院长委任, 在与中心主任和成员协商后. 院长将负责 依据职权.

    执行局将负责制订中心的目标, 制定与之相协调的总体政策和方案, 审查和评估各种项目的进展情况, 推荐聘任专业人员, 和中央预算. 委员会通常(i)每月开会一次, (ii)有署长拟备的议程, 提前分发, 有支持文档, (iii)与谘询小组会面, 协助解释和执行政策, (v)保存会议记录并分发Give中心成员, 院长, 教务长, 和总统. 执行局将任命 特别的, or permanent, advisory committees to the various 程序s of the Center as they are needed.

  3. The Advisory Panel will consist of five to twelve persons appointed annually by 教务长 upon recommendation of 执行委员会. The membership of the Panel will reflect the broader objectives and public interest aspects of the activities of the Center. The members of the panel will not include anyone from the Center, except the Director in an 依据职权 能力, 并将从(i)业务中提取, industry and governmental agencies as these relate to the particular concerns of the Center, (ii)新大的几个学院, and (iii) other persons whose expertise is deemed beneficial to the progress of the Center. 院长将担任 依据职权 小组主席.

The Advisory Panel will meet to review the 程序s and activities of the Center with particular reference to (i) its role in support of the mission of the University, 在实现其目标方面取得的进展, 加强其目前业务的方式, 迫切的研究和教育需求以及新的发展方向.

将编制每次会议的书面记录并分发Give教务长, 的院长, 执行委员会, 及主要研究人员.

5.  操作

The operation of the Center aims at fulfilling its objectives of responding to research and community needs consistent with the University’s mission. 确立了以下大致纲要:

  1. A Center should establish clearly stated objectives that respond to research and community needs.
  2. 一个中心应该有一个核心的教员,他们认同这些目标.
  3. A Center may receive initial administrative support in the form of seed money, if necessary. The objective of the Center is to make it self-sustaining through external support in the form of gifts, 捐赠基金和/或研究基金.
  4. The solicitation of funds by a Center will be monitored through the University Development Office in the case of gift and endowment requests, 以及研究管理办公室在申请研究经费的情况下.
  5. 中心可以完全在一个学校内部运作,也可以在两个或两个以上的学校之间运作. 在这里,德德曼学院被确定为这一目的的学校. 在前一种情况下,责任范围是明确确定的. 在后一种情况下, one of the 学校s will be identified as home base for the Center and 院长(s) of the associated 学校(s) will become 依据职权 谘询小组成员.

6.  讲话

The Centers may be established on a temporary or trial basis and may be dissolved either when their mission is accomplished or when they are unlikely to be self-sustaining. The Provost may make adjustments to a particular Center, as needed, to meet the needs of that Center.

7.  问题


修改后: 2019年12月16日

采用: 一九九四年六月一日

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