
Policy number: 10.2

Policy section: Research

Revised Date: December 16, 2019

1. Definitions


2. Purpose

这项政策的目的是建立基本原则,使主要研究人员和其他工作人员能够获得补偿, participating in, 或对赞助项目的贡献将被视为允许的直接成本, as defined by current federal law, regulations, 和研究手册中确定的政策. Compensation of individuals from Funding, without regard to origin of the Funding, 必须符合联邦法律规定的条件, regulations, and policies, the terms of the Award, relevant Sponsor guidelines, and the approved Award budget.

3. Personal Services

个人服务的补偿将被确定, paid, and recorded as required by federal law, regulations and policies. 每位首席研究员/项目主任负责根据《威尼斯人娱乐城》提供的说明,在首席研究员/项目主任的指导下,为所有参与并支付给赞助项目的人员填写并批准工资授权表(“paf”). 在任何情况下,大学支付的工资都不会仅仅因为大学获得了赞助项目的资金而确定或增加.

4. Payroll Distribution

对薪金分配的预测是根据薪金薪金表中所列的服务的薪金授权,以及薪金薪金表中所列的与计时系统相结合的小时工的计时系统. 由拨款和合同会计办公室定期提供由经费支付的受薪雇员和小时工的人事活动报告. For each Sponsored Project, 首席研究员/项目主任负责证明所有赞助项目人员报告的时间和精力的准确性, 并需要审查所有赞助项目人员的工资分配,并及时向赠款和合同会计办公室报告由于实际服务而导致的时间和精力的所有变化. 审查、修订和报告变更的程序在研究手册中提供. Except in cases of demonstrable error, 一旦par经过首席研究员/项目总监的认证并提交给拨款和合同会计部门,par将不会被更改.

5. Preparing Project Budgets

In preparing Sponsored Project budgets, 今后几年的薪金预算类别可以在当前增加, 官方的大学加薪率,如果提供适当的文件证明个人将获得更高或更低的加薪,则可以获得更高或更低的加薪率, 由具有批准权的大学员工批准. 研究手册中提供了记录这些薪酬变化的程序.

6. Compensation of Faculty

教员的报酬将根据教员的当期工资和雇佣合同中规定的基本雇佣期计算. During the academic year, 教员没有资格从资助中获得额外补偿,除非赞助项目超出了教员的正常职责范围,并且赞助商批准. Faculty on a nine-month, 一学年合约可获相当于暑期津贴, and not exceeding, one third of the nine-month salary. 在学年期间,资助项目的资金补偿将偿还给总部机构, usually a department Org, 对于工资通过工资发放时或支付后的费用转移. In this case, 如果学年工资的一部分在提案或奖励中显示为直接费用分摊, 首席研究员/项目总监必须每月在par上报告赞助项目的时间和努力,以证明义务努力已被消耗. 报告时间和精力的程序见研究手册. 大学政策10提供了额外的指导.15, Sponsored Project Effort Reporting.

7. Compensation of Staff


8. Staff Positions

For Soft Money Appointments:

  1. 任命必须由学院院长或学院院长出具正式信函,经教务长和学术事务副校长批准.
  2. The letter must describe the following:
    1. the conditions of the appointment;
    2. the compensation level;
    3. 将作为资助来源的奖项;
    4. 委任的期限,但不得超过奖项的期限;
    5. that employment and compensation is contingent upon continuation of the Award(s); and
    6. that vacation time accrued, if any, 必须在奖项所界定的赞助项目期间拍摄.
  3. 首席研究员/项目主任有责任确保遵守聘任书的要求.

9. Related Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines

  • University Policy 10.1, Sponsored Research and Activities
  • University Policy 10.15, Sponsored Project Effort Reporting
  • Research Handbook

Appendix A: Definitions

"Award" 指提供资金的赠款、分赠款、合同、分包合同或合作协议.

"Compensation for Personal Services" 指大学就雇员在履行奖励期间所提供的服务而支付或应计的所有款项. 这些金额包括薪金、工资和附加福利.

"Contract" 指大学和赞助商之间的法律上可执行的协议,当主要目的是为了赞助商的利益向赞助商交付财产或服务时,该协议提供资金, in addition to the research, educational, or service benefit to the University.

"Cooperative Agreement" 指大学与赞助商之间的法律上可执行的协议,当赞助商与大学在赞助项目的执行过程中预期发生实质性互动时,该协议提供资金.

“Effort” 指花费在赞助项目上的时间,以及个人获得大学补偿的所有其他活动. See University Policy 10.15, Sponsored Project Effort Reporting

“Funding” 指资助项目的资金支持, including money, property, services, or anything of value in lieu of money.

"Grant" 指在下列情况下,大学与赞助机构之间可执行的法律协议:

  1. 除最终书面报告外,主办方不期望交付特定产品或服务;
  2. no substantial interaction between the Sponsor and the University during performance is anticipated; and
  3. 该协议包含一般条款和条件,规定了执行期限和最低报告要求.

“Organization code” or “Org” 代表大学内的一个部门或独立的运作单位.

“PAFs” are Payroll Authorization Forms. PAFs identify each individual, his/her employee identification number, frequency of pay, Sponsored Project to be charged, 工资率和每个人的工资期限.

“PARs” 人事活动报告是否如本文所述.

“Principal Investigator/Project Director指对赞助项目的技术行为完全负责的个人, technical contact with the Sponsor, expenditure of Funding, 履行技术表现和报告义务. “首席研究员”(PI)包括在奖项中被指定为“项目总监”(PD)的个人。, 在履行首席调查员的职责时, 或其他履行首席调查员职能的个人. For the period of the Award, 首席研究员/项目主任必须是全职员工, tenured or, tenure track faculty, Research Professor, Research Associate Professor, Research Assistant Professor, or, 经教务长或其指定人员批准, a non-tenure track, 根据大学政策2任命的非终身教职人员.3、教师职级、职称和投票权. 

“Proposal” 指提交给赞助商请求资助赞助项目的文件,其中包括, without limitation, (i) Financial Obligations, Regulatory Obligations, 报告义务或会计义务, as described under “Sponsored Projects”, (ii) a Statement of Work and (iii) a budget.

“Research Handbook” 是否有一份由研究和研究生办公室保存的文件,说明该提案的当前程序和要求, acceptance, execution, and oversight of Sponsored Projects.

“Soft Money Appointment” 指薪酬来源于并依赖于资助项目资金的工作人员职位.

"Sponsor” 指向大学提供资金的任何外部实体. 保荐人可能是(i)政府机构(例如, federal, state or local governments or their administrative organizations); (ii) nonprofit organizations (for example, universities, nonprofit corporations, foundations or associations); (iii) for profit organizations (for example, corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships and other business entities); or (iv) individuals.

"Sponsored Projects” means all projects, programs, research, training, public service, 以及其他通过大学拨款或通过大学与赞助商之间的合同或合作协议获得外部资金的活动, 当下列一项或多项义务适用时:

  1. Financial Obligation. 当赞助商为工作声明中描述的服务表现或产品交付提供资金时,大学必须遵守所施加的条件;
  2. Regulatory Obligation. 大学必须遵守赞助商的规定.
  3. Reporting Obligation. The University is required to provide to the Sponsor technical performance reports or regulatory or administrative reports; or
  4. Accounting Obligation. 大学必须建立单独的赞助项目支出会计记录,以证明成本的可容许性, to maintain financial accountability, to make financial reports to the Sponsor, 并保留适当的记录以备审核.

“Statement of Work” 指提案或奖项中描述将承担的具体工作和将由赞助项目生产的产品的组成部分.

Revised: December 16, 2019

Adopted: January 15, 2015

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